35th Anniversary Musical: Hong Kong Rocks
A hundred years ago, Dai Hoi's father left for the United States to seek for a better way of living. He promised to return. Eager for family reunion, Dai Hoi's mother carries Dai Hoi (means "ocean") to the hill top daily to look at the ocean. As time went by, both Dai Hoi and his mother turned into a stone…
One hundred years later, Suddenly, Dai Hoi was awakened by thunder and lightning. Transformed into a human being. The following day, Dai Hoi wandered around Hong Kong alone in search of his father. During his search, he dropped by Times Square and experienced the huzzled and buzzled world with crowds and traffic jams; people singing and selling in pedestrian subways; people enjoying the Chinese dim-sum culture; big sale at shops reflecting Hong Kong's characteristics as shopping paradise. Afterwards, he also visited Temple Street and came across street singing performances and Chinese fortune telling. There, he met Granny Iron who revealed the story about his father…
Track List
1. …And They Turn into Stones! (Song: … Once Upon a Time)
2. View from the Lion Rock (Song: 登登登櫈)
3. My Father is Over the Ocean (Song: And the Ocean Cries)
4. When the Sun Doesn't Shine … Jazz it Up!
5. Song: Let Music Flow
6. Mysterious Guest at Midnight
7. Nightmare on the MTR
8. Song: Easeplan Andsta Ackba Om fra Etha Oorsda
(Please Stand Back from the Doors)
9. Good Morning HK… Now Please Hurry!
(Song: Circle game)
10. Song: Morning Tea
11. Yum Yum … Bill please!
12. Street Talents Concerto in Ab Major
13. Song: In Search of
14. Shopping Paradise 20%Off
15. Song: Welcome
16. Introducing Mister Iron Cane from Temple Street!
17. Song: Street Artists
18. Mr. Fortune Teller… Tell Me… Tell Me How…?
19. Song: Tell Me Why
20. The Story Behind the Longing Rock
21. Farewell Stone Child! (Song: The Longing Rock)
22. Children All Over the Hills… (Song: The "Ocean" Reprise!)
23. Curtain Call
Item: AV313